Sunday, November 10, 2013

Why purchase nail sets??

Okay so I understand that people see my nail sets for sale and they wonder, "why would someone buy that?" First of all anyone who is a fan of my nail art would of course want one, but these nail sets are an awesome alternative to acrylic nails. If you keep up with my posts on Instagram you should have noticed the tons of post I have about the damage my nails have from acrylics.(If not see picture below) 
When applying the nail sets I sell, you put a dab of nail glue and stick on the nail. When applying false nails, such as acrylics, damage can be caused by the glue, drilling, electric filing, filing, and then removal and reapplying. Once you decide to take my nail set off you can lightly buff off the left over glue and reuse the nail set you bought!! A full set at the nail salon is going to cost you at least $25 not including the nail art and you are also causing damage to your natural nails. For half that you can purchase a full set of nails with unique nail art, have them shipped to your house, keep your natural nails healthy and then reuse them. 

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